


Welcome to our tutorial on CLI and RPC in Tezos. In this tutorial, we will explore the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in the Tezos blockchain network. The Tezos CLI and RPC provide developers with a way to interact with the Tezos network and perform operations such as creating and managing accounts, transferring tokens, and creating and interacting with smart contracts. We will also cover the basics of how to set up and use the Tezos CLI and RPC and the best practices for using them in your development. Whether you are a developer, researcher, or simply a blockchain enthusiast, this tutorial will provide valuable insights and hands-on experience in working with the Tezos CLI and RPC.

Connecting to the network

The octez-client and Tezos RPC need to connect to a Tezos node. You can connect to your own tezos node, or you can use a community node. In both cases, you can set it for the mainnet or the testnet.

You can find a list of community nodes.

Tezos RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

RPC[1] is a client-server protocol where the requesting program is the client and the program providing the service is the server.

Tezos nodes provide a JSON/RPC interface to interact with the Tezos network. Although it uses RPC and is JSON-based, it does not follow the JSON-RPC protocol.

A complete list of calls is available. Make sure to check the protocol version before you use these calls.

RPC examples

GET ‘block’

This call returns all the information about a block. But the associated metadata may not be present, it depends on the history mode and block’s distance from the head.

GET [node_url]/chains/[chain_id]/blocks/[block_id]

Here is an example, of how to get the block number 1400114 from the mainnet using ECAD Labs node:


To test this call, simply click the address above (or copy-paste it, to open it in your web browser). You’ll discover a pretty long JSON object. Depending on the used browser, the visualization may be better (e.g. Firefox will format the appearance to make it easier to read).

GET ‘contract storage’

This call accesses the storage of a contract.

GET [node_url]/chains/[chain_id]/blocks/[block_id]/context/contracts/[contract_id]/storage

Example to get the storage of contract KT1Hkg5qeNhfwpKW4fXvq7HGZB9z2EnmCCA9 from block 2766362 on the mainnet using ECAD Labs node:


You can test this call exactly the same way as the “GET block” call.

octez-client (CLI)

octez-client is the official client to interact with a Tezos node via RPC. Let’s take a look at the installation and some examples.

How to install the octez-client

On Mac OS with Homebrewbrew tap serokell/tezos-packaging-stable
brew install tezos-client

brew tap serokell/tezos-packaging-stable
brew install tezos-client

On Ubuntu with binaries

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:serokell/tezos && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install tezos-client -y

On Fedora with binaries

dnf copr enable -y @Serokell/Tezos && dnf update -y
dnf install -y tezos-client

Connection to a node

Below we’ll connect to a community node ( on the Ghostnet testnet. We’ll use the --endpoint parameter to update the configuration of the Octez Client on a Ubuntu system:

octez-client --endpoint config update

The result should look like the lines below:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

On Ubuntu, the config file should be written in “/.octez-client/config” under your “home” folder. For example, after the last command, the all-new “config” file looks like this (with Nano):

{ "base_dir": "/home/userName/.octez-client",
  "endpoint": "", "web_port": 8080,
  "confirmations": 0 }

Account funding

To get free tez on testnet, you must first have generated a tezos account. If not, you can generate one with the following command:

octez-client gen keys my_account

You can now retrieve the generated address (the hash of the public key, it starts with tz1, tz2, or tz3) with the command:

octez-client show address my_account

The result should look like this:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

Hash: tz1VvyNvPUdypHaTgznTLSkumj9YMZxpmB9p
Public Key: edpkufA6kH6hw4ckZWWmYuLZpfwfXc9abiaEDLqH2iviFXnK9N4oct

You can now go to the testnets website, select your testnet faucet, and request tez!

Octez Client user manual and version

For global options

octez-client --help

For command options

octez-client [global options] command --help

For version information

octez-client --version

On Ubuntu, the result would look like the following:

4ca33194 (2022-08-01 11:55:43 +0200) (14.0)

Octez Client examples

Get balance

Get the balance of an account:

octez-client get balance for [account_id]

Example with our previously registered user “my_account”:

octez-client get balance for my_account

The response:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

1 ꜩ

The previous response is also a way of checking if the account is activated on the testnet (first transfer).

Get timestamp

Get the UTC of the latest downloaded block. Keep in mind, timezones may differ from your local time:

octez-client get timestamp

Result example:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.


List known addresses

This call only lists registered implicit accounts in your Octez client.

octez-client list known addresses

Example response:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

my_account: tz1VvyNvPUdypHaTgznTLSkumj9YMZxpmB9p (unencrypted sk known)
octez-client list known contracts

Our example:

                 This is NOT the Tezos Mainnet.
           Do NOT use your fundraiser keys on this network.

my_account: tz1VvyNvPUdypHaTgznTLSkumj9YMZxpmB9p

By this, you complete this workshop successfully!!