

Node Setup – Harmony (HMY) CLI Download

This tutorial is about how to download and use the Harmony CLI tool, which is used to interact with the Harmony blockchain. It covers the steps for both Linux and MacOS users, and explains how to use the tool’s various commands and options. The tutorial also provides examples of how to check account balances, check transaction receipts, import and export keystore files, generate BLS keys, and create new validators. It is important to note that the tutorial advises users not to run the Node Setup as the root user, and instead recommends creating a new user called harmony for the Node Setup, with root level access. Additionally, it is important to note that hmy is not statically linked, so it cannot be moved anywhere on the filesystem like a single binary.

The Harmony CLI tool is used to interact with the Harmony blockchain.

Make sure NOT to run the Node Setup with theroot user. We recommend creating a new user called harmony for the Node Setup and giving it root level access.

Throughout this guide, we will use the following syntax:

./hmy: This is the CLI program

./ -- : This is the command to use the CLI with a shell wrapper (for macOS)

<argument>: This is a required argument

[argument]: This is an optional argument

/ : This is a line break, used to break up a line while writing a command

Download Harmony CLI tool

For Linux


curl -LO && mv hmycli hmy && chmod +x hmy


For MacOS


curl -O
chmod u+x
./ -d


Now you can use as a wrapper over hmy and you should assume that all references to hmy in these documents refer to For example, the command ./hmy becomes ./ -- .

Note that since hmy is not statically linked, you cannot arbitrarily move to anywhere on your filesystem like you could with a single binary.

On Linux, calling the cookbook would look like this:

./hmy --node="" cookbook


And on MacOS would look like:


./ -- --node="" cookbook




#Cookbook of Usage


#1) Every subcommand recognizes a '--help' flag
#2) If a passphrase is used by a subcommand, one can enter their own passphrase interactively
#   with the --passphrase option. Alternatively, one can pass their own passphrase via a file
#   using the --passphrase-file option. If no passphrase option is selected, the default
#   passphrase of '' is used.
#3) These examples use Shard 0 of Open Staking Network as argument for --node


#1.  Check account balance on given chain
./hmy --node="" balances <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS>

#2.  Check sent transaction
./hmy --node="" blockchain transaction-by-hash <SOME_TX_HASH>

#3.  List local account keys
./hmy keys list

#4.  Sending a transaction (waits 40 seconds for transaction confirmation)
./hmy --node="" transfer \
    --from-shard 0 --to-shard 1 --amount 200 --passphrase

#5.  Sending a batch of transactions as dictated from a file (the `--dry-run` options still apply)
./hmy --node="" transfer --file <PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>
#Check README for details on json file format.

#6.  Check a completed transaction receipt
./hmy --node="" blockchain transaction-receipt <SOME_TX_HASH>

#7.  Import an account using the mnemonic. Prompts the user to give the mnemonic.
./hmy keys recover-from-mnemonic <ACCOUNT_NAME>

#8.  Import an existing keystore file
./hmy keys import-ks <PATH_TO_KEYSTORE_JSON>

#9.  Import a keystore file using a secp256k1 private key
./hmy keys import-private-key <secp256k1_PRIVATE_KEY>

#10. Export a keystore file's secp256k1 private key
./hmy keys export-private-key <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --passphrase

#11. Generate a BLS key then encrypt and save the private key to the specified location.
./hmy keys generate-bls-key --bls-file-path <PATH_FOR_BLS_KEY_FILE>

#12. Create a new validator with a list of BLS keys
./hmy --node="" staking create-validator --amount 10 --validator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --bls-pubkeys <BLS_KEY_1>,<BLS_KEY_2>,<BLS_KEY_3> \
    --identity foo --details bar --name baz --max-change-rate 0.1 --max-rate 0.1 --max-total-delegation 10 \
    --min-self-delegation 10 --rate 0.1 --security-contact Leo  --website --passphrase

#13. Edit an existing validator
./hmy --node="" staking edit-validator \
    --validator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --identity foo --details bar \
    --name baz --security-contact EK --website \
    --min-self-delegation 0 --max-total-delegation 10 --rate 0.1\
    --add-bls-key <SOME_BLS_KEY> --remove-bls-key <OTHER_BLS_KEY> --passphrase

#14. Delegate an amount to a validator
./hmy --node="" staking delegate \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --validator-addr <VALIDATOR_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --amount 10 --passphrase

#15. Undelegate to a validator
./hmy --node="" staking undelegate \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --validator-addr <VALIDATOR_ONE_ADDRESS> \
    --amount 10 --passphrase

#16. Collect block rewards as a delegator
./hmy --node="" staking collect-rewards \
    --delegator-addr <SOME_ONE_ADDRESS> --passphrase

#17. Check elected validators
./hmy --node="" blockchain validator elected

#18. Get current staking utility metrics
./hmy --node="" blockchain utility-metrics

#19. Check in-memory record of failed staking transactions
./hmy --node="" failures staking

#20. Check which shard your BLS public key would be assigned to as a validator
./hmy --node="" utility shard-for-bls 2d61379e44a772e5757e27ee2b3874254f56073e6bd226eb8b160371cc3c18b8c4977bd3dcb71fd57dc62bf0e143fd08



Frequently encountered errors:

./hmy cookbook

-bash: ./hmy: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
​#Make sure you downloaded the right version for your OS.