

On-chain Program Guide that Support Token and Token-2022 Together

This guide is for on-chain program/dApp developers who want to support both Token and Token-2022. To use all features of Token-2022, you must have the Solana CLI tool suite, minimum version 1.10.33.

Previously, on-chain program developers only included one token program for all tokens in the application. With the introduction of Token-2022, updates are necessary. This guide will walk you through the steps to support both Token and Token-2022.

Note: If you do not want to support Token-2022, no action is required. Your existing on-chain program will fail if an instruction includes Token-2022 mints/accounts.

This guide uses a test-driven development approach:

Add a dependency to spl-token-2022

Change tests to use spl_token::id() or spl_token_2022::id(), observe failure with Token-2022

Update on-chain program code to always use instructions and deserializers from spl_token_2022, and make all tests pass

For applications that use more than one token mint, as is common in DeFi, you may need to add an input token program account for each additional mint. This is because all types of tokens can be swapped, so the correct token program must be invoked.

This guide references real commits to the token-swap program, so you can follow along and make changes to your program.

Part I: Support both token programs in single-token use cases

Step 1: Update dependencies

In your Cargo.toml, add the latest spl-token-2022 to your dependencies. Check for the latest version of spl-token-2022 in, since that will typically be the version deployed to mainnet-beta.

Step 2: Add test cases for Token and Token-2022

Using the test-case crate, you can update all tests to use both Token and Token-2022. For example, a test defined as:

async fn test_swap() {


Will become:

#[test_case(spl_token::id() ; "Token Program")]
#[test_case(spl_token_2022::id() ; "Token-2022 Program")]
async fn test_swap(token_program_id: Pubkey) {


In your program-test setup, you must include at the correct address. You can add it as normal to tests/fixtures/ after downloading it using:

$ solana program dump TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb


If you’re using solana-test-validator for your tests, you can include it using:

$ solana-test-validator -c TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb


Note: This step is temporary, until Token-2022 is included by default in program-test and solana-test-validator.

The token-swap does not use program-test, so there’s a bit more boilerplate, but the same principle applies.

Step 3: Replace instruction creators

Everywhere in the code that uses spl_token::instruction must now use spl_token_2022::instruction. The "Token-2022 Program" tests will still fail, but importantly, the "Token Program" tests will pass using the new instruction creators.

If your program uses unchecked transfers, you’ll see a deprecation warning:

warning: use of deprecated function `spl_token_2022::instruction::transfer`: please use `transfer_checked` or `transfer_checked_with_fee` instead


If a token has a transfer fee, an unchecked transfer will fail. We’ll fix that later. If you want, in the meantime, feel free to add an #[allow(deprecated)] to pass CI, with a TODO or issue to transition to transfer_checked everywhere.

Step 4: Replace spl_token::id() with a parameter

Step 2 started the transition away from a fixed program id by adding token_program_id as a parameter to the test function, but now you’ll go through your program and tests to use it everywhere.

Whenever spl_token::id() appears in the code, use a parameter corresponding either to spl_token::id() or spl_token_2022::id().

After this, all of your tests should pass! Not so fast though, there’s one more step needed to ensure compatibility.

Step 5: Add Extensions to Tests

Although all of your tests are passing, you still need to account for differences in accounts in token-2022.

Account extensions are stored after the first 165 bytes of the account, and the normal Account::unpack and Mint::unpack will fail if the size of the account is not exactly 165 and 82, respectively.

Let’s make the tests fail again by adding an extension to all mint and token accounts. We’ll add the MintCloseAuthority extension to mints, and the ImmutableOwner extension to accounts.

When creating mint accounts, calculate the space required before allocating, then include an initialize_mint_close_authority instruction before initialize_mint. For example this could be:

use spl_token_2022::{extension::ExtensionType, instruction::*, state::Mint};
use solana_sdk::{system_instruction, transaction::Transaction};

// Calculate the space required using the `ExtensionType`
let space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Mint>(&[ExtensionType::MintCloseAuthority]);

// get the Rent object and calculate the rent required
let rent_required = rent.minimum_balance(space);

// and then create the account using those parameters
let create_instruction = system_instruction::create_account(&payer.pubkey(), mint_pubkey, rent_required, space, token_program_id);

// Important: you must initialize the mint close authority *BEFORE* initializing the mint,
// and only when working with Token-2022, since the instruction is unsupported by Token.
let initialize_close_authority_instruction = initialize_mint_close_authority(token_program_id, mint_pubkey, Some(close_authority)).unwrap();
let initialize_mint_instruction = initialize_mint(token_program_id, mint_pubkey, mint_authority_pubkey, freeze_authority, 9).unwrap();

// Make the transaction with all of these instructions
let create_mint_transaction = Transaction::new(&[create_instruction, initialize_close_authority_instruction, initialize_mint_instruction], Some(&payer.pubkey));

// Sign it and send it however you want!


The concept is similar with token accounts, but we’ll use the ImmutableOwner extension, which is actually supported by both programs, but Tokenkeg... will no-op.

use spl_token_2022::{extension::ExtensionType, instruction::*, state::Account};
use solana_sdk::{system_instruction, transaction::Transaction};

// Calculate the space required using the `ExtensionType`
let space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Account>(&[ExtensionType::ImmutableOwner]);

// get the Rent object and calculate the rent required
let rent_required = rent.minimum_balance(space);

// and then create the account using those parameters
let create_instruction = system_instruction::create_account(&payer.pubkey(), account_pubkey, rent_required, space, token_program_id);

// Important: you must initialize immutable owner *BEFORE* initializing the account
let initialize_immutable_owner_instruction = initialize_immutable_owner(token_program_id, account_pubkey).unwrap();
let initialize_account_instruction = initialize_account(token_program_id, account_pubkey, mint_pubkey, owner_pubkey).unwrap();

// Make the transaction with all of these instructions
let create_account_transaction = Transaction::new(&[create_instruction, initialize_immutable_owner_instruction, initialize_account_instruction], Some(&payer.pubkey));

// Sign it and send it however you want!


After making these changes, everything fails again. Well done!

Step 6: Use StateWithExtensions instead of Mint and Account

The test failures happen because the program is trying to deserialize a pure Mint or Account, and failing because there are extensions added to it.

Token-2022 adds a new type called StateWithExtensions, which allows you to deserialize the base type, and then pull out any extensions on the fly. It’s very close to the same cost as the normal unpack.

Everywhere in your code, wherever you see Mint::unpack or Account::unpack, you’ll have to change that to:

use spl_token_2022::{extension::StateWithExtensions, state::{Account, Mint}};
let account_state = StateWithExtensions::<Account>::unpack(&;
let mint_state = StateWithExtensions::<Mint>::unpack(&;


Anytime you access fields in the state, you’ll need to go through the base. For example, to access the amount, you must do:

let token_amount = account_state.base.amount;


So typically, you’ll just need to add in .base wherever those fields are accessed.

Once that’s done, all of your tests should pass! Congratulations, your program is now compatible with Token-2022!

If your program is using multiple token types at once, however, you will need to do more work.

Part II: Support Mixed Token Programs: trading a Token for a Token-2022

In Part I, we looked at the minimal amount of work to support Token-2022 in your program. This work won’t cover all cases, however. Specifically, in the token-swap program, most instructions involve multiple token types. If those token types are from different token programs, then our current implementation will fail.

For example, if you want to swap tokens from the Token program for tokens from the Token-2022 program, then your program’s instruction must provide each token program, so that your program may invoke them.

Let’s go through the steps to support both token programs in the same instruction.

Step 1: Update all instruction interfaces

The first step is to update all instruction interfaces to accept a token program for each token type used in the program.

For example, here is the previous definition for the Swap instruction:

///   Swap the tokens in the pool.
///   0. `[]` Token-swap
///   1. `[]` swap authority
///   2. `[]` user transfer authority
///   3. `[writable]` token_(A|B) SOURCE Account, amount is transferable by user transfer authority,
///   4. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap INTO.  Must be the SOURCE token.
///   5. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap FROM.  Must be the DESTINATION token.
///   6. `[writable]` token_(A|B) DESTINATION Account assigned to USER as the owner.
///   7. `[writable]` Pool token mint, to generate trading fees
///   8. `[writable]` Fee account, to receive trading fees
///   9. `[]` Token program id
///   10. `[optional, writable]` Host fee account to receive additional trading fees
Swap {
    pub amount_in: u64,
    pub minimum_amount_out: u64


Swap contains 3 different token types: token A, token B, and the pool token. Let’s add a separate token program for each, transforming the instruction into:

///   Swap the tokens in the pool.
///   0. `[]` Token-swap
///   1. `[]` swap authority
///   2. `[]` user transfer authority
///   3. `[writable]` token_(A|B) SOURCE Account, amount is transferable by user transfer authority,
///   4. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap INTO.  Must be the SOURCE token.
///   5. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap FROM.  Must be the DESTINATION token.
///   6. `[writable]` token_(A|B) DESTINATION Account assigned to USER as the owner.
///   7. `[writable]` Pool token mint, to generate trading fees
///   8. `[writable]` Fee account, to receive trading fees
///   9. `[]` Token (A|B) SOURCE program id
///   10. `[]` Token (A|B) DESTINATION program id
///   11. `[]` Pool Token program id
///   12. `[optional, writable]` Host fee account to receive additional trading fees
Swap {
    pub amount_in: u64,
    pub minimum_amount_out: u64


Note the new inputs of 9. and 10., and the clarification on 11.

All of these additional accounts may make you wonder: how big will transactions get with these new accounts? If you are using both Token and Token-2022, the additional Token-2022 program will take up space in the transaction, 32 bytes for the pubkey, and 1 byte for its index.

On the flip side, if you’re only using one token program at once, you will only incur 1 byte of overhead because of the deduplication of accounts in the Solana transaction format.

Also note that some instructions will remain unchanged. For example, here is the Initialize instruction:

///   Initializes a new swap
///   0. `[writable, signer]` New Token-swap to create.
///   1. `[]` swap authority derived from `create_program_address(&[Token-swap account])`
///   2. `[]` token_a Account. Must be non zero, owned by swap authority.
///   3. `[]` token_b Account. Must be non zero, owned by swap authority.
///   4. `[writable]` Pool Token Mint. Must be empty, owned by swap authority.
///   5. `[]` Pool Token Account to deposit trading and withdraw fees.
///   Must be empty, not owned by swap authority
///   6. `[writable]` Pool Token Account to deposit the initial pool token
///   supply.  Must be empty, not owned by swap authority.
///   7. `[]` Token program id
Initialize { ... } // details omitted


Although we pass in token A and token B accounts, we don’t actually need to invoke their respective token programs. We do, however, mint new pool tokens, so we must pass in the token program for the pool token mint.

This step is mostly churn since interfaces must be updated. Don’t worry if some tests fail after this step. We’ll fix them in the next step.

Step 2: Update instruction processors

If your instruction processor is expecting accounts after the added token programs, you may see some test failures.

Specifically, in the token-swap example, the Swap instruction is expecting an optional account at the end, which has been clobbered by the added token programs.

For this step, we’ll simply pull out all of the new provided accounts. For example, in the Swap instruction processor, we’ll go from:

let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
let swap_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let user_transfer_authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_fee_account_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;



let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
let swap_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let user_transfer_authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_fee_account_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?; // added
let destination_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?; // added
let pool_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?; // renamed


For now, just use one of those. For example, we’ll just use pool_token_program_info everywhere. In the next step, we’ll add some tests which will properly fail since we’re always using the same token program.

Once again, all of your tests should pass! But not for long.

Step 3: Write tests using multiple token programs at once

In the spirit of test-driven development, let’s start by writing some failing tests.

Previously, our test_cases defined only provided one program id. Now it’s time to mix them up and add more cases. For full coverage, we could do all permutations of different programs, but let’s go with:

  • all mints belong to Token

  • all mints belong to Token-2022

  • the pool mint belongs to Token, but token A and B belong to Token-2022

  • the pool mint belongs to Token-2022, but token A and B are mixed

Let’s update test cases to pass in three different program ids, and then use them in the tests. For example, that means transforming:

#[test_case(spl_token::id(); "token")]
#[test_case(spl_token_2022::id(); "token-2022")]
fn test_initialize(token_program_id: Pubkey) {



#[test_case(spl_token::id(), spl_token::id(), spl_token::id(); "all-token")]
#[test_case(spl_token_2022::id(), spl_token_2022::id(), spl_token_2022::id(); "all-token-2022")]
#[test_case(spl_token::id(), spl_token_2022::id(), spl_token_2022::id(); "mixed-pool-token")]
#[test_case(spl_token_2022::id(), spl_token_2022::id(), spl_token::id(); "mixed-pool-token-2022")]
fn test_initialize(pool_token_program_id: Pubkey, token_a_program_id: Pubkey, token_b_program_id: Pubkey) {


This step may also involve churn, but take your time to go through it carefully, and you’ll have failing tests for the mixed-pool-token and mixed-pool-token-2022 test cases.

Step 4: Use appropriate token program in your processor

Let’s fix the failing tests! The errors come up because we’re trying to operate on tokens with the wrong program in a “mixed” Token and Token-2022 environment.

We need to properly use all of the pool_token_program_info / token_a_program_info variables that we extracted in Step 2.

In the token-swap example, we’ll check anywhere we filled in pool_token_program_info by default, and instead choose the correct program info. For example, when transferring the source tokens in process_swap, we currently have:



Let’s use the correct token program, making this:



While going through this, if you notice any owner checks for a token account or mint in the form of:

if token_account_info.owner != &spl_token::id() { ... }


You’ll need to update to a new owner check from spl_token_2022:

if spl_token_2022::check_spl_token_program_account(token_account_info.owner).is_err() { ... }


In this step, because of all the test cases in token-swap, we also have to update the expected error due to mismatched owner token programs.

It’s tedious, but at this point, we have updated our program to use both Token and Token-2022 simultaneously. Congratulations! You’re ready to be part of the next stage of DeFi on Solana.

Part III: Support All Extensions

It seems like our program is working perfectly and that it won’t have any issues processing Token-2022 mints.

Unfortunately, there’s one more bit of work required for full compatibility in token-swap. Since the program is using transfer instead of transfer_checked, it will fail for certain mints.

We must upgrade to using transfer_checked if we want to support all extensions in Token-2022. As always, let’s start by making our tests fail.

Step 1: Add transfer fee extension to Token-2022 tests

The Token-2022 tests currently initialize the MintCloseAuthority extension. Let’s add the TransferFeeConfig extension to the mint, and the TransferFeeAmount extension to the token accounts.

Instead of:

let mint_space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Mint>(&[ExtensionType::MintCloseAuthority]);
let account_space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Account>(&[ExtensionType::ImmutableOwner]);


We’ll do:

let mint_space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Mint>(&[ExtensionType::MintCloseAuthority, ExtensionType::TransferFeeConfig]);
let account_space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Account>(&[ExtensionType::ImmutableOwner, ExtensionType::TransferFeeAmount]);


And during initialization of the mint, we’ll add in the instruction to initialize the transfer fee config to the initialization transaction:

let rate_authority = Keypair::new();
let withdraw_authority = Keypair::new();

let instruction = spl_token_2022::extension::transfer_fee::instruction::initialize_transfer_fee_config(
    program_id, &mint_key, rate_authority.pubkey(), withdraw_authority.pubkey(), 0, 0


With this step, some of the Token-2022 test variants fail with: “Mint required for this account to transfer tokens, use transfer_checked or transfer_checked_with_fee“.

Step 2: Add mints to instructions that use transfer

The biggest difference between transfer and transfer_checked is the presence of the mint for the tokens. First, we must provide the mint account for every instruction that uses transfer.

For example, the swap instruction becomes:

///   Swap the tokens in the pool.
///   0. `[]` Token-swap
///   1. `[]` swap authority
///   2. `[]` user transfer authority
///   3. `[writable]` token_(A|B) SOURCE Account, amount is transferable by user transfer authority,
///   4. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap INTO.  Must be the SOURCE token.
///   5. `[writable]` token_(A|B) Base Account to swap FROM.  Must be the DESTINATION token.
///   6. `[writable]` token_(A|B) DESTINATION Account assigned to USER as the owner.
///   7. `[writable]` Pool token mint, to generate trading fees
///   8. `[writable]` Fee account, to receive trading fees
///   9. `[]` Token (A|B) SOURCE mint
///   10. `[]` Token (A|B) DESTINATION mint
///   11. `[]` Token (A|B) SOURCE program id
///   12. `[]` Token (A|B) DESTINATION program id
///   13. `[]` Pool Token program id
///   14. `[optional, writable]` Host fee account to receive additional trading fees


Note the addition of Token (A|B) SOURCE mint and Token (A|B) DESTINATION mint. The pool token mint is already included, so we’re safe there.

Next, in the processor code, we’ll extract these additional accounts, but we won’t use them yet.

For swap, the beginning becomes:

let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
let swap_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let user_transfer_authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_source_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let swap_destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let destination_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_fee_account_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_token_mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let destination_token_mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let source_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let destination_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pool_token_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;


Note the addition of source_token_mint_info and destination_token_mint_info.

We’ll go through every instruction that uses transfer, which for token-swap, includes swap, deposit_all_token_types, withdraw_all_token_types, deposit_single_token_type_exact_amount_in, and withdraw_single_token_type_exact_amount_out.

By the end of this, some of the Token-2022 tests still fail, but the Token tests all pass.

Step 3: Change transfer to transfer_checked instruction

Everything’s in place to use transfer_checked, so the next step will thankfully be quite simple and get all of our tests to pass.

Where we normally use spl_token_2022::instruction::transfer, we’ll instead use spl_token_2022::instruction::transfer_checked, also providing the mint account info and decimals.

For example, we can do:

let decimals = StateWithExtensions::<Mint>::unpack(&|m| m.base)?.decimals;
let ix = spl_token_2022::instruction::transfer_checked(
  &[source, mint, destination, authority, token_program],


After this step, all of your tests should pass once again, so congratulations again!

Part IV: Support transfer fees in calculation

Now that everything is in place to support every possible extension in Token-2022, we find that token-swap has some strange behavior for certain extensions.

In token-swap, if a token has transfer fees, then the curve calculations will not be correct. For example, if you try to trade token A for B, and token A has a 1% transfer fee, then fewer tokens will arrive into the pool, which means that you should receive fewer tokens.

We’ll add logic to properly handle the transfer fee extension as an example in token-swap.

Step 1: Add a failing test swapping with transfer fees

Let’s start by adding a failing test where we swap between tokens that have non-zero transfer fees.

For token-swap, we can reuse a previous test which checks that the curve calculation lines up with what is actually traded. The most important part is to add a transfer fee when initializing the mint, meaning we go from:

let rate_authority = Keypair::new();
let withdraw_authority = Keypair::new();

let instruction = spl_token_2022::extension::transfer_fee::instruction::initialize_transfer_fee_config(
    program_id, &mint_key, rate_authority.pubkey(), withdraw_authority.pubkey(), 0, 0



let rate_authority = Keypair::new();
let withdraw_authority = Keypair::new();
let transfer_fee_basis_points = 100;
let maximum_transfer_fee = 1_000_000_000;

let instruction = spl_token_2022::extension::transfer_fee::instruction::initialize_transfer_fee_config(
    program_id, &mint_key, rate_authority.pubkey(), withdraw_authority.pubkey(), 
    transfer_fee_basis_points, maximum_transfer_fee


Step 2: Calculate the expected transfer fee

Whenever the program moves tokens, it needs to check if the mint contains a transfer fee and account for them.

To check if the mint has an extension, we simply need to get the extension for the desired type, and properly handle the valid error case.

Roughly speaking that means changing the amount traded before calculation:

use solana_program::{clock::Clock, sysvar::Sysvar};
use spl_token_2022::{extension::{StateWithExtensions, transfer_fee::TransferFeeConfig}, state::Mint};

let mint_data =;
let mint = StateWithExtensions::<Mint>::unpack(&mint_data)?;
let actual_amount = if let Ok(transfer_fee_config) = mint.get_extension::<TransferFeeConfig>() {
    let fee = transfer_fee_config
        .calculate_epoch_fee(Clock::get()?.epoch, amount)
} else {


After making these changes, our tests pass once again, congratulations!

Note: in the case of token-swap, we need to reverse calculate the fee, which introduces extra complexity. Most likely, your program won’t need that.

Part V: Prohibit closable mints

In Token-2022, it’s possible for certain mints to be closed if their supply is 0. Typically, this won’t cause any damage, because all token accounts are empty if a mint is closable.

If your program stores any information about mints, however, it can go out of sync if the mint is closed and re-created on that same address. Worse, the account can be used for something completely different. If your program is storing mint info, find a way to redesign your solution so it always uses the information from the mint directly.

In token-swap, the program gracefully handles closed mints, but an empty pool can be rendered unusable if the pool mint is closed. No funds are at risk, since the pool is empty anyway, but for the sake of the tutorial, let’s prohibit the pool mint from being closable.

Step 1: Add a failing test with a mint close authority

Let’s add a mint close authority to the pool token mint. During initialization, we’ll do:

use spl_token_2022::{extension::ExtensionType, instruction::*, state::Mint};
use solana_sdk::{system_instruction, transaction::Transaction};

// Calculate the space required using the `ExtensionType`
let space = ExtensionType::get_account_len::<Mint>(&[ExtensionType::MintCloseAuthority]);

// get the Rent object and calculate the rent required
let rent_required = rent.minimum_balance(space);

// and then create the account using those parameters
let create_instruction = system_instruction::create_account(&payer.pubkey(), mint_pubkey, rent_required, space, token_program_id);

// Important: you must initialize the mint close authority *BEFORE* initializing the mint,
// and only when working with Token-2022, since the instruction is unsupported by Token.
let initialize_close_authority_instruction = initialize_mint_close_authority(token_program_id, mint_pubkey, Some(close_authority)).unwrap();
let initialize_mint_instruction = initialize_mint(token_program_id, mint_pubkey, mint_authority_pubkey, freeze_authority, 9).unwrap();

// Make the transaction with all of these instructions
let create_mint_transaction = Transaction::new(&[create_instruction, initialize_close_authority_instruction, initialize_mint_instruction], Some(&payer.pubkey));


And then try to initialize the token swap pool as normal, checking for a failure. Since there isn’t any logic to prohibit a close authority, it should fail. Nice!

Step 2: Add processor check to prevent a mint close authority

When processing the initialize code, we simply add a check to see if a non-None mint close authority exists.

For example, that means:

let pool_mint_data =;
let pool_mint = StateWithExtensions::<Mint>::unpack(pool_mint_data)?;
if let Ok(extension) = pool_mint.get_extension::<MintCloseAuthority>() {
    let close_authority: Option<Pubkey> = extension.close_authority.into();
    if close_authority.is_some() {
        return Err(ProgramError::InvalidAccountData);


Now the test should pass. Well done!