An Elaborate Guide to the Scortik Platform
There are some core factors that every organization or blockchain enthusiast should consider before selecting a blockchain network for development. Selecting the most suitable platform, based on one’s technical needs and level of decentralization requirement, can save enormous time and effort in your blockchain-based development process.
There are various parameters to focus on while selecting a blockchain platform; for instance, the first and most important one is to understand the underlying consensus engine on which the blockchain has been built. The second is to see whether the blockchain is a private or a public network. The third is to check the block minting time and the gas fee of the blockchain network. The fourth parameter is to understand the architecture in-depth through the network’s documentation and understand whether it is suitable for development or not.
With such important and intricate factors to consider, selecting a blockchain platform becomes the most crucial step in blockchain-based development. Blockchain developers and enthusiasts need platforms that give an elaborate insight into all the parameters and features of the various blockchain protocols for better analysis. One of the most encapsulating platforms that provide detailed insight into the different protocols is Scortik.
Without further ado, let’s understand the features and mechanism of Scortik. This article is an elaborate guide on Scortik: Protocol Review and Rating platform.
Understanding Scortik platform
Scortik is a review and rating platform that serves as a roadmap to developers for various Web3 ecosystem protocols, technologies and tools. It provides in-depth insight for evaluating and analyzing the technical components and measurements of the different blockchain protocols.
From all the fundamental aspects like gas fee, write speed and read speed to better analysis in developer support and GitHub engagement, Scortik monitors and manages all these and provides deep insights into a blockchain’s developer ecosystem.
Scortik works with a comprehensive database containing the various aspects and characteristics of the protocols required for selecting a blockchain network for development. It provides detailed technical metrics of different protocols that are reliable, measurable, referenceable and up-to-date.
Scortik functions as a decentralized protocols rating platform to enable the developers to choose the most appropriate blockchain network, using a top-notch formal verification process to review the various blockchain ecosystems.
Now that we have a crisp understanding of Scortik, let’s see how it benefits blockchain developers and enthusiasts
How is Scortik beneficial for Web3 developers?
Web3 has a distributed and open nature, thus making it a tedious job for a developer to select one decentralized protocol from the vast blockchain space. Most of the present blockchain rating platforms are focused on regulating the security audits or monitoring changes in cryptocurrency prices. These platforms cannot provide an impartial yet precise assessment of all the attributes of different blockchain developer ecosystems. Therefore, they cannot assess and verify the different Web3 ecosystems in an unbiased manner.
To fulfill the need for an in-depth technical assessment of the various blockchain developer ecosystems and to let the developers analyze the feasibility of the blockchain protocols for their development purposes, Scortik is an appropriate innovation in the blockchain space. It has the power to eliminate all the hindrances for Web3 developers with precise technical metrics, which are quite dependable, analytical, referenceable and represented using real-time statistics.
Now that it is clear how Scortik benefits Web3 developers, the next important aspect is to comprehend its fundamentals based on which it does the protocol rating and review.
What are the fundamentals of Scortik?
Scortik platform functions in an elaborate way to provide Web3 developers with elaborate scoring and rating of various parameters in protocols. It has two fundamental sections as of now:
1. Dashboard
Scortik dashboard is the homepage or the landing page of the Scortik platform that consists of various segments from where the developers request a protocol review, can contact the Scortik team and can get a brief about what Scortik is.
It further lets developers check the alerts for different upgrades required on the various protocols, check the rating of the popular protocols and newly added blockchains, access the protocol search bar, check the different ecosystem scores and ranks, and also displays live monitoring of certain parameters in a blockchain protocol.
2.Get Listed
Web3 developers can get their choice of protocol listed on Scortik by going to the Get Listed section of the platform. They need to initiate a request to review the protocol by clicking on the ‘Request Protocol Review’ and then have to click on the submit button. After they make their request, the protocol will be analyzed and evaluated depending on the 8 rating parameters. The protocol will then be listed on the Scortik platform.
Scortik has 33 protocols listed on it, and as the Scortik community spreads its auditing, it will add more protocols to the platform.
What are the various parts of the Scortik dashboard and how do they work?
The Scortik dashboard has a dynamic mechanism and serves various purposes like:
- Alerts
The ‘Alerts’ section on the dashboard gives constant notifications to reflect the upgrade points or improvements in the various protocols. For example, if NEAR has not updated the IOS SDK in its ecosystem, Scortik will reflect the IOS SDK missing in the ‘Alert’ section. - Popular Protocols
Popular protocols on Scortik reflect all the well-known robust blockchain protocols and scores on the Scortik dashboard, based on their popularity within the Web3 space. - Recently Added
All the crypto-assets and protocols that have been added recently go through an in-depth analysis to get themselves listed on the Scortik dashboard. - Protocol Score Table
This score table reflects all the listed blockchain protocols listed on Scortik along with their ecosystem score, transactions per second, public nodes and the feasibility of each protocol’s grant. This table also has a search bar to filter out different protocols. - Live Monitoring
The live monitoring section displays the live updates of the various listed protocols, for instance, the uptime percentage of Polkadot or the current gas fee of any listed protocol.
Now that we are discussing the Scortik dashboard’s fundamental sections let’s look at how it scores the various protocols listed on the platform.
On what parameters does the Scortik score table work?
There are eight main parameters or the main Scortik audit areas based on which Scortik scores the blockchain networks as given below:
- Ecosystem
The ecosystem score shows the reliability of the blockchain network based on the network’s collective reviewing and continuous monitoring. - Performance
Performance score determines the level of blockchain performance based on benchmarks such as average TPS, gas fees, nodes and network uptime. - Grant Program
This parameter evaluates the efficiency of a blockchain ecosystem based on funds allocated to different developers who aspire to develop their blockchain networks. - Foundation Tools
This parameter reflects the blockchain’s development feasibility using the tools and different resources it provides to the developers. - Documentation
This will score the various parameters like Skeleton Code or the API documentation to evaluate if a particular protocol helps developers analyze the protocol ecosystem better. - Add-Ons
Add-Ons reflect if a protocol is efficiently equipped with all the appropriate add-on tools like the IDEs, security auditing tools and code editors. - Developer Community
It signifies the efficiency of a protocol’s interaction with its online community via different social media platforms like Slack, Discord, Telegram etc. - Third-Party Services
Third-party services reflect the potential of a protocol in offering third-party services like oracle integration, cloud services and API management.
Along with all the eight parameters given above, Scortik also has the feature of ‘Review Notes.’ Review Notes are an in-depth analysis of the various protocols mentioning their points of improvement and specialties. These notes help a developer comprehend why a blockchain ecosystem score is favorable or not favorable.
Scortik’s future goal
Scortik aspires to expand by listing more and more protocols based on the innovation in the Web3 space. With an interactive community of its members on various social media platforms like Telegram and Discord, Scortik welcomes people from across the world to join by agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Scortik platform. The multiplicity of the various protocols and the discussions related to them on these social media platforms of Scortik, helps people be aware of all the timely updates and developments in the blockchain industry.
Apart from social media platforms, Scortik also offers an opportunity for people to become protocol ambassadors where they can firmly advocate for all the evolving protocols of their interest. This will give other people a better and crisp insight into the blockchain protocols for their Web3 development.

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